Tag Archives: success

When You Want Something, First Give That Something Away

20 Nov

Hello all.

The real secret to getting something you need, is by first giving it away. If you are missing love in your life, give love away for free, if you have very little money, give whatever you have away. If you want more happiness, make it your aim first to bring happiness to someone else. If you want peace, send others peace. The list goes on. This goes to the simple universal laws of creation. As you sow so shall you reap. You can’t have more of something unless you are ready to give it away first. By giving it away first, you prove to the universe that you really have it, therefore receiving more of what you want.


The Most Important Thing To Consider In Your Personal Development

13 Nov


Hello all.

The most important thing to consider in your personal development is that it is YOUR personal development. It doesn’t belong to anyone else, so that’s why I believe that the more you understand your timing and the way you get in your flow, the more you can appreciate your own personal development. So regardless of where you think you are in your own personal development,  know that it’s okay to be there as long as you know you are growing at your pace. Keep in mind what others think about where  you are in your personal development does not matter in this example. Only you would really know where you are in your personal development. If you get stuck with the feeling of not growing, that’s what leads to a lot of confusion about life.

We Are All In different stages in life.

We are all in different stages, I won’t even begin to assume to guess where you are on your particular path. But I know that personal develoment takes time. Some people are developing at this very moment and may not even know it. That’s why I urge people to keep record of all the growing up they did, so you can be grateful for the joy of learning new things for the future. I will post a video soon about the joy of learning on Youtube.

Don’t Compare

Comparing your personal growth with others is a total waste of time. Where you are today is a result of all the choices you made to lead you up to this point in life. It can be daunting or exciting depending on the consious or unconscious choices you have made in the past. But remember regardless if you are doing really well, or things are a bit of a challenge for you at the moment, don’t compare yourself to others. The ego loves to compare and do all these mind tricks, and ends up loosing in the end, because we are all one unified consiousness. Yes we all have different life experiences, but we are all connected at a deeper level in humanity. Accept where you are in your personal development, and use your knowledge to grow and expand into realities you intend to experience for yourself.

YOUR Personal Development

So remember it is your Personal development which means it doesn’t matter where you think you are along the path, or what others think, as long as you recognize life lessons when they appear, and grow from each one in a manner that is right for you. Being Patient and honoring your own personal development growth is essential to a worthwhile life.


Abundance Mindset V.S Scarcity Mindset-Why The Universe Rewards People Who Are Detached

9 Nov


Hello all.

You probably heard about the abundance and scarcity mindset before. The abundance mindset is a way of living that comes across as confident, detached, and joyful. It is confident that money, resources, and people will come in it’s own perfect time. The abundance mindset believes that there is always going to be more than enough. The scarcity mindset is a way of living that comes across as worried, attatched, and sad. The scarcity mindset always believes there is never going to be enough. It is constantly worried that money, resources, and people will not come.

The universe rewards Detachment

The universe rewards detatchment because after an intention is set, and you let go of this desire, the universe sees that you are confident and assured it will come. It seems counter intuitive by what we were taught in this society. The idea of setting a goal and never loosing sight of this goal (attaching) until completion does work. However, that way is only one way of reaching a desire. You see by being easy and relaxed about something coming is sending signals to the universe that you are in a dominant vibration. As you sink into a lower vibration of neediness and being clingy the universe gives you more neediness and scarcity, because this is a weaker vibration.


On A date

Let’s say that you are on a date with someone. You have probably been in the position when you are on a date, and felt that the person that is most interested in the other person and feels the need to attach, is the one that doesn’t get what he or she wants at the end of the day. The person that displays a sense of neediness generally in most cases, leaves feeling unfulfilled. The reason is because neediness is unattractive. There is a feeling of scarcity and lack when someone is in desperate need of something. The person on the date that is having a good time, relaxed, and detached actually is in control over the situation, because he or she is confident that everything works out fine in the end anyway. The same way is with abundance. The person trying desperately to need more abundance gets a lack of it, and the person that is relaxed and easy about it generally gets more abundance.


On Money

The individuals who care most about having money, generally get it, but aren’t fulfilled because of the way they attatched to the money. The person that sets the intention of having an abundance of money, lets it go and just has fun, is sending out a more dominate vibration out to the universe, and generally attracts more money to him or her. Like I said this may sound counter intuitive because of the way you were socially conditioned early on. However, understanding the importance of detatchment in getting what you desire is actually the best way to attract things to you.


You are a Magnet

Think of yourself as a magnet. You are constantly attracting to yourself that which you are. So if you are a happy joyful abundant person you attract these circumstances and people towards you. The problem is that people have a hard time seeing themselves as a magnet because they are stuck in the scarcity mindset. With the scarcity mindset you aren’t a magnet. As you become aware and grateful for the abundance that is already present in your life, you tune in easier to this abundance. The reason is because abundance is already within you. It’s not something “out there.” If you begin to live in this manner, you will have a lot more fun being yourself and allowing abundance to flow to you simply by just tunning into the abundance within you, by being grateful for what you already have.


You Don't "Have To" Do Anything.

18 Oct


Hello all.
You technically don’t “have to” do anything. We are bred as children to be forced into doing stuff we don’t like to do. This makes for very confused adulthood, as we begin to try to do things that made other people happy. The truth is the only thing you should be doing, is what you feel your life’s purpose is. You should always be following your highest excitment.
Your life’s purpose I can tell you right now is bigger than you. You will never feel like its accomplished, because the size of it. Your life’s purpose is what gets you excited each morning to get up really early to start working on it. However, in the beginning, all you really have to do is listen. Many people are waking up to this wonderful phenomenon. If you don’t know exactly what to do, don’t do anything, sit in silence. Don’t move if you don’t feel like it. We entering an age where freewill is becoming mainstream and easily understood. You control your destiny. You don’t necessarily have to do everything, just pick the few things that resonate deep within you and follow the unfolding of it all. Finding your life’s purpose takes time, and patience. The more you are aware and awakening to the natural flow of life, the more patience you will expect from yourself, and you will begin to realize there are times when you simply don’t have to do anything.
I am not a motivational blogger, I am a realistic blogger. I know that from my experience there were so many times that I was just like, “I don’t have to do anything, it will just come” And guess what. I was right. It just comes, don’t do anything if you don’t feel compelled to move yet. It is all about your timing. It’s not about anybody else’s time clock. You will read many books on self help, and personal development requiring you and pushing you to take action on your goals. But what if your not even in the place of goal setting yet? What if you haven’t found your purpose in life?
I am not like most personal development gurus out there, I know you don’t have it all figured out yet, and that is perfectly fine. We live in a “feeling” universe, you must go with the naturally flow of things. As you become more self aware, you will begin to feel the natural flow of things is actually you being yourself in the moment. Just don’t pretend that you have all these amazing plans for the future, when you aren’t even honestly clear of what your true purpose in life is. Just don’t fall into the habit of laziness. There’s a difference between consious nothingness and just flat out being lazy. But I know that if you are reading this type of blog, you understand the clear difference.
It’s fine not to do anything. Doing nothing, eventually allows you to do something good for you and others, if done consciously.


You Don’t “Have To” Do Anything.

18 Oct


Hello all.
You technically don’t “have to” do anything. We are bred as children to be forced into doing stuff we don’t like to do. This makes for very confused adulthood, as we begin to try to do things that made other people happy. The truth is the only thing you should be doing, is what you feel your life’s purpose is. You should always be following your highest excitment.
Your life’s purpose I can tell you right now is bigger than you. You will never feel like its accomplished, because the size of it. Your life’s purpose is what gets you excited each morning to get up really early to start working on it. However, in the beginning, all you really have to do is listen. Many people are waking up to this wonderful phenomenon. If you don’t know exactly what to do, don’t do anything, sit in silence. Don’t move if you don’t feel like it. We entering an age where freewill is becoming mainstream and easily understood. You control your destiny. You don’t necessarily have to do everything, just pick the few things that resonate deep within you and follow the unfolding of it all. Finding your life’s purpose takes time, and patience. The more you are aware and awakening to the natural flow of life, the more patience you will expect from yourself, and you will begin to realize there are times when you simply don’t have to do anything.
I am not a motivational blogger, I am a realistic blogger. I know that from my experience there were so many times that I was just like, “I don’t have to do anything, it will just come” And guess what. I was right. It just comes, don’t do anything if you don’t feel compelled to move yet. It is all about your timing. It’s not about anybody else’s time clock. You will read many books on self help, and personal development requiring you and pushing you to take action on your goals. But what if your not even in the place of goal setting yet? What if you haven’t found your purpose in life?
I am not like most personal development gurus out there, I know you don’t have it all figured out yet, and that is perfectly fine. We live in a “feeling” universe, you must go with the naturally flow of things. As you become more self aware, you will begin to feel the natural flow of things is actually you being yourself in the moment. Just don’t pretend that you have all these amazing plans for the future, when you aren’t even honestly clear of what your true purpose in life is. Just don’t fall into the habit of laziness. There’s a difference between consious nothingness and just flat out being lazy. But I know that if you are reading this type of blog, you understand the clear difference.
It’s fine not to do anything. Doing nothing, eventually allows you to do something good for you and others, if done consciously.


The Story Behind The Pictures I Post On My Blogs

19 Sep

Photo By Kimbundance

Hello all.
Many people enjoy the pictures that I have above my blog posts. The majority of the pictures I post are carefully selected pictures I get from google images. I try my best to contact each photo and ask approval from the source when I can. Some of the other pictures you see of were taken by my sister Kimbundance. The picture above is from my sister Kimbundance. You can check out her amazing photography work HERE.

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte

There is a little story that goes behind the pictures I’ve posted on my blogs.
This entire summer has been remarkable. This summer, I’ve been fortunate enough to have done a lot of traveling relatively close to California. This summer I’ve been lucky enough to travel to different parts of Arizona, Lake Tahoe, San Diego, and some really nice Orange County beaches such as Newport and Laguna Beach. While I was traveling, little did I know the pictures that I’ve carefully selected and admired that I had just grabbed from Google Images have began appearing to me in real life.

It was pretty amazing watching the whole thing unfold. I would be say in Arizona, visiting the Grand Canyon, and actually be standing right in front of the wonderful sight in real life, only to realize about 7-10 blog posts before, I had the exact same picture in one of my blog posts. This has happened in numerous occasions.
Life really does imitate art, and art imitates life…


Don't Use A Yardstick To Measure Up

4 Aug

silver coin

Hello all.


The real secret to my personal life of beyond success, was the moment that I began stop using a yardstick to measure up to other people. I refuse to measure my accomplishments and failures with that of others. This is because I understand that the yardstick is actually a form of the ego. Like I’ve stated in my previous posts, the ego is desperate for survival. It needs to cling onto some fixed idea in order for it to survive. The idea of trying to have accomplished a particular thing at a certain time or age, is all ego.

I believe that the way the school system is structured actually strengthens the ego. For example, the idea of finishing college in 4 years, following orders from your teacher to get good grades, is a mental and social conditioning that enables people to start using the yardstick to measure up to others. The social constructed individual takes this into the workplace, and the ego chooses to hang out with people that identity with similar conditioning. So using a mental yardstick to measure up is actually something people, through social conditioning start to live up to. They begin comparing themselves, because there is a certain “time” things need to get done.

I don’t know about you, but the idea of having to always trust this yardstick doesn’t feel natural.
This has nothing to do with being either an ambitious or lazy individual. It’s about being in your natural flow at the time you are meant to be. I write a lot also about being in the present moment in my previous posts. This all ties into not using a yardstick, because when you are fully present in what you are doing, the thoughts of “measuring up” to others, slowly diminishes and ceases to exist. That’s why I believe the yardstick is a form of the ego, because it takes you out of the present moment, and instead of doing what needs to be done, you look outward for suggestions, when the real answers are within you to begin with.

“When You Try hard, You Die hard”
-Kanye West

The great thing about the way life works is that everything comes when it’s supposed to come. Nothing in nature is ever forced. If you look at the way the trees grow overtime, they actually just grow naturally. They don’t try hard to grow, they don’t compare their size to other trees. 🙂 One tree doesn’t try to grow taller than the other tree, it just grows at the level that is natural for the tree, neither does one tree try to shrink to make the tree next to it look bigger.

The tree will lose leaves, and grow new ones. It’s just being. That’s what I feel more people should consider. Just being. Your personal growth may come really quickly or may come at a slower pace. You may have a run of tremendous accomplishment, and a time for a few disappointments. Begin now to be okay with the pace of whatever is best for you in your own life. Let it flow. Everything happens at it’s own pace and it’s own time.
Put your faith in yourself and you and express gratitude for the small victories along the way. Allow good things to come and don’t rely on the yardstick of other people, to determine where you should be, or what you should have. You are actually at a better place, than you realize at this moment.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
-Steve Jobs

An example in my own life is that when I began to see a lot of success with this blog. To be honest, I couldn’t really keep up with the success of this blog at the time. When I started seeing 80+ visitors to my blog I got a little scared. From going to 0 views a day for 6 straight months, to my readership growing to 80+ was a stretch for me at the time. This fear has taught me to except what is and let it be. I have to be willing to accept the fact that I’m moving to higher levels with my writing. I’m learning how to accept the victories I’ve been blessed with along the way. I have to stay with this flow, because this is where I’m at.

One year ago, I couldn’t say that was the case at all. Two years ago I operated at a much slower pace of success. Two years ago things seemed to move slower and things felt muddy. So acknowledging that I’m in a higher place for me creatively is key. It’s not about whether others say it’s a success or not, but really what I honestly know from what I know for myself. Begin now to trust your flow, your own pace. This is a more reliable way for you to go about life.

Don’t use a yardstick to measure up, it’s not reliable.


Don’t Use A Yardstick To Measure Up

4 Aug

silver coin

Hello all.


The real secret to my personal life of beyond success, was the moment that I began stop using a yardstick to measure up to other people. I refuse to measure my accomplishments and failures with that of others. This is because I understand that the yardstick is actually a form of the ego. Like I’ve stated in my previous posts, the ego is desperate for survival. It needs to cling onto some fixed idea in order for it to survive. The idea of trying to have accomplished a particular thing at a certain time or age, is all ego.

I believe that the way the school system is structured actually strengthens the ego. For example, the idea of finishing college in 4 years, following orders from your teacher to get good grades, is a mental and social conditioning that enables people to start using the yardstick to measure up to others. The social constructed individual takes this into the workplace, and the ego chooses to hang out with people that identity with similar conditioning. So using a mental yardstick to measure up is actually something people, through social conditioning start to live up to. They begin comparing themselves, because there is a certain “time” things need to get done.

I don’t know about you, but the idea of having to always trust this yardstick doesn’t feel natural.
This has nothing to do with being either an ambitious or lazy individual. It’s about being in your natural flow at the time you are meant to be. I write a lot also about being in the present moment in my previous posts. This all ties into not using a yardstick, because when you are fully present in what you are doing, the thoughts of “measuring up” to others, slowly diminishes and ceases to exist. That’s why I believe the yardstick is a form of the ego, because it takes you out of the present moment, and instead of doing what needs to be done, you look outward for suggestions, when the real answers are within you to begin with.

“When You Try hard, You Die hard”
-Kanye West

The great thing about the way life works is that everything comes when it’s supposed to come. Nothing in nature is ever forced. If you look at the way the trees grow overtime, they actually just grow naturally. They don’t try hard to grow, they don’t compare their size to other trees. 🙂 One tree doesn’t try to grow taller than the other tree, it just grows at the level that is natural for the tree, neither does one tree try to shrink to make the tree next to it look bigger.

The tree will lose leaves, and grow new ones. It’s just being. That’s what I feel more people should consider. Just being. Your personal growth may come really quickly or may come at a slower pace. You may have a run of tremendous accomplishment, and a time for a few disappointments. Begin now to be okay with the pace of whatever is best for you in your own life. Let it flow. Everything happens at it’s own pace and it’s own time.
Put your faith in yourself and you and express gratitude for the small victories along the way. Allow good things to come and don’t rely on the yardstick of other people, to determine where you should be, or what you should have. You are actually at a better place, than you realize at this moment.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
-Steve Jobs

An example in my own life is that when I began to see a lot of success with this blog. To be honest, I couldn’t really keep up with the success of this blog at the time. When I started seeing 80+ visitors to my blog I got a little scared. From going to 0 views a day for 6 straight months, to my readership growing to 80+ was a stretch for me at the time. This fear has taught me to except what is and let it be. I have to be willing to accept the fact that I’m moving to higher levels with my writing. I’m learning how to accept the victories I’ve been blessed with along the way. I have to stay with this flow, because this is where I’m at.

One year ago, I couldn’t say that was the case at all. Two years ago I operated at a much slower pace of success. Two years ago things seemed to move slower and things felt muddy. So acknowledging that I’m in a higher place for me creatively is key. It’s not about whether others say it’s a success or not, but really what I honestly know from what I know for myself. Begin now to trust your flow, your own pace. This is a more reliable way for you to go about life.

Don’t use a yardstick to measure up, it’s not reliable.


How To Dream Big, When Everyone Around You Doesn't

22 Jul


“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Hello all.


Dreaming big is something we all need more of in this society. Big dreamers that take action on their dreams are the people in this society that make things happen. If you are a big dreamer, I ask you to take a moment of silence and sincerely congratulate yourself. There aren’t too many out there, but if you are a big dreamer, I send my most sincere and honest honor. The reason I send you my most sincere and honest honor, is because most big dreamers especially at the very beginning, are generally surrounded by people that don’t really believe in them much. Look back in history and most of all high achievers somewhere in their early careers were met with many naysayers. Only to eventually turn those naysayers into believers. It’s not a great feeling having visions and big goals and everyone around you thinking you are “crazy.” Yet, this is how it usually all begins. The truth is that it takes a lot of courage to dream big and follow through. Part of the reason is also because the bigger the dream, the more critics you may attract…

However, the people that don’t believe in your dreams are actually just mirrors of your own self doubt. So there is a special reason that is there. Take time to thank and be grateful for people that challenge your dreams, as they are really there to make you better.
Express your gratitude, be thankful and push forward. You are capable of realizing your big dreams, with enough enthusiasm, time, and energy. You are capable of it, because I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and those big dreams come to you for a special purpose. I know that the special purpose and reason is for you to follow them. Everything that we admire and look at with awe all started out with someone who had a big dream. Be that person for others. I ask that when you are faced with the opportunity to follow your dream or follow the crowd, follow your dream.

This day and age we are seeing more people take chances, because they are beginning to see the bigger picture. The bigger picture is allowing people to really get clear on their goals and finding out what really matters to them at this point in their lives. As they become clear on what really matters in their life, they begin to take the small action steps necessary to follow their big dreams.

“You see things; and you say “Why?” But I dream things that never were; and I say “Why not?”
* George Bernard Shaw


I think that many people place too much importance on trying to reach for a dream for the sake of trying to prove something. I don’t think that trying to prove something should be the real reason to chase a dream. Chase a dream, because it’s exciting for you, and because it can make a positive difference in people’s lives. In my world, chasing a dream is about an inner sense of fulfillment and knowing that you gave the best of what you were capable to give at the time. It really has nothing to do with proving something, because the act of trying to prove something is ego based, and only brings about temporary highs.

“What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible.”
Roethke, Theodore

The idea of not trying to prove anything, and being true to yourself and achieving your big dreams and your own sense of inner fulfillment is actually the foundation of my book. I also speak a lot about the difference of the U.S mainstream version of success, and what I call Beyond Success on my book:
Click on the Thumbnail Below To Purchase the book. (Quick and easy sign up on wordclay before ADDING TO CART)


I feel my book can really inspire you into a lifestyle that goes beyond what a lot of Americans are chasing, and give you a real sense of inspiration and empowerment in your daily life. My book is a straight to the point, short read, that acts as a wonderful guide for you to experience positive changes in your life in this changing world.
Be bold.

“The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can’t be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.”
Fosdick, Harry Emerson

With Gratitude,
+ Baker

How To Dream Big, When Everyone Around You Doesn’t

22 Jul


“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Hello all.


Dreaming big is something we all need more of in this society. Big dreamers that take action on their dreams are the people in this society that make things happen. If you are a big dreamer, I ask you to take a moment of silence and sincerely congratulate yourself. There aren’t too many out there, but if you are a big dreamer, I send my most sincere and honest honor. The reason I send you my most sincere and honest honor, is because most big dreamers especially at the very beginning, are generally surrounded by people that don’t really believe in them much. Look back in history and most of all high achievers somewhere in their early careers were met with many naysayers. Only to eventually turn those naysayers into believers. It’s not a great feeling having visions and big goals and everyone around you thinking you are “crazy.” Yet, this is how it usually all begins. The truth is that it takes a lot of courage to dream big and follow through. Part of the reason is also because the bigger the dream, the more critics you may attract…

However, the people that don’t believe in your dreams are actually just mirrors of your own self doubt. So there is a special reason that is there. Take time to thank and be grateful for people that challenge your dreams, as they are really there to make you better.
Express your gratitude, be thankful and push forward. You are capable of realizing your big dreams, with enough enthusiasm, time, and energy. You are capable of it, because I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and those big dreams come to you for a special purpose. I know that the special purpose and reason is for you to follow them. Everything that we admire and look at with awe all started out with someone who had a big dream. Be that person for others. I ask that when you are faced with the opportunity to follow your dream or follow the crowd, follow your dream.

This day and age we are seeing more people take chances, because they are beginning to see the bigger picture. The bigger picture is allowing people to really get clear on their goals and finding out what really matters to them at this point in their lives. As they become clear on what really matters in their life, they begin to take the small action steps necessary to follow their big dreams.

“You see things; and you say “Why?” But I dream things that never were; and I say “Why not?”
* George Bernard Shaw


I think that many people place too much importance on trying to reach for a dream for the sake of trying to prove something. I don’t think that trying to prove something should be the real reason to chase a dream. Chase a dream, because it’s exciting for you, and because it can make a positive difference in people’s lives. In my world, chasing a dream is about an inner sense of fulfillment and knowing that you gave the best of what you were capable to give at the time. It really has nothing to do with proving something, because the act of trying to prove something is ego based, and only brings about temporary highs.

“What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible.”
Roethke, Theodore

The idea of not trying to prove anything, and being true to yourself and achieving your big dreams and your own sense of inner fulfillment is actually the foundation of my book. I also speak a lot about the difference of the U.S mainstream version of success, and what I call Beyond Success on my book:
Click on the Thumbnail Below To Purchase the book. (Quick and easy sign up on wordclay before ADDING TO CART)


I feel my book can really inspire you into a lifestyle that goes beyond what a lot of Americans are chasing, and give you a real sense of inspiration and empowerment in your daily life. My book is a straight to the point, short read, that acts as a wonderful guide for you to experience positive changes in your life in this changing world.
Be bold.

“The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can’t be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.”
Fosdick, Harry Emerson

With Gratitude,
+ Baker

Go Completely Opposite of Society and Win In Life

7 Jul


“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
-Albert Einstein

Hello all.
You stand a much better chance at winning n life if you go completely opposite of what society wants from you. When you conform to what society wants from you on a daily basis, you actually become a victim to being like everyone else. I don’t know about you, but being like everyone else has a lot of drawbacks.

“Listen to society and fall, listen to your spirit and ball.”

Have fun and do exactly the opposite of what society is teaching you. Society is teaching you to be like them so that the people at the top can win big. Why not be the person on the top winning.
Listen, this day and age we need more courage and less fear, because the world is changing fast. Don’t try to keep up with the people that aren’t at your level. Push forward, be you all day every single day. A lot of the news on television are used as scare tactics. The best advice I received at a young age is to go opposite of what they are saying in the news, and see what amazing opportunities emerge.

“Fortune favors the brave.”
-Publius Terence

You have a better shot at winning in life, if you be what society doesn’t want you to be. Play by your own rules. Live how you were destined to live, not what some television show is trying to get you to be. The true winners in life operate from their spirit based knowledge, and not ego needs. The ego needs to feel alive and society places a great opportunity for the ego to survive. Society rewards the ego time and time again, so I don’t blame people for buying into the path that leads ultimately to destruction. However the higher consious individual understands this and takes a stand, and artfully moves in the direction of the soul. Let go of this need and desire to be like everyone, this is not the style anymore. Be you, and grow at the pace you know is best for you. Don’t let this twisted society determine where you should be. You know the answer to this, what you focus on expands. Go inward and let the outward manifest the way it is supposed to.
Life has no boundaries when you see the world as an inspired individual. Go completely opposite of society and win in life.


How the Current Economy Presents Tremendous Opportunity for You: The Spiritual Revolution

24 Jun


“The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can’t be organized or regulated. It isn’t true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.”
– Ram Dass

Hello all.
We are in the midst of a great collapse of the U.S economy. This is an exciting time to be living. The reason it is exciting, because if you see the opportunities that are present during these current times, and seize them you will be a very accomplished individual 5 years from now.

The opportunities that are presented are becoming more visible to those that are living consciously. Those that are seeing what is missing in the world today will reap great rewards in the future. The amazing thing about this all is that we are headed towards the very basics again.
The idea of unity, peace, and compassion for ourselves and others is making a major comeback. What I see that is happening now, is that old systems are failing. The old ideas of corporate ladder climbing is crumbling. The government is starting to
fail because the original intent came from a dark place. This may have been through greed, pride, and other selfish motives. The industrial age thinking is starting to really collapse because a new era is emerging. This goes beyond the Information age era. What we are entering as collective human beings is a spiritual revolution.

The Spiritual Revolution

The spritual revolution is being felt by many people that are tuned into their intuition. You can see it in the eyes of children, they know what is happening, but most don’t have the ability to communicate it effectively.
The tables are turning, those that live consciously and work from their soul will be the new leaders of this nation. Those fixated on their ego desires will slowly diminish.

The current economy will allow you to really take a look inside yourself and see what the world is in need of. The answers are going to be felt and inspire you to move in the right direction. The tremendous opportunities are already here, you just need to be open to them and accept the changing world that you are currently in.

These are the times to follow your heart, and watch in amazement at how this simple habitual act will take you to places beyond your wildest dreams. The current economy presents tremendous opportunity for you because the spiritual revolution is here.

Slumber not in the tents of your fathers! The world is advancing. Advance with it!


The Optimistic View

6 May

Photo by: http://www.traveljournals.net

Hello all.
When someone recently asked me how I’m gaining much success through my blogs and my personal brand, I told them “I am gaining success because it looks different from up here.”

The reason it looks different up here is because way before I started my brand I began to approach my life project from the “optimistic view.”
The optimistic view is seeing the bigger picture. The bigger picture is like being on top of a mountain and seeing everything that is going on. Although the view may be a bit blurry, it still is a point of view that few ever see, because they are too rigid in the how and why of everything. The optimistic view gives you the opportunity to expand your horizons and grow consciously.

“For myself I am an optimist – it does not seem to be much use being anything else”
-Winston Churchill

I used to dwell on the little things in life, and fight battles on the ground. But when I started to think differently and developed the habit of being optimistic, my view of the world began to change. The reason it began to change is because it was like I put on a new set of lenses. These lenses became the optimistic view. When you have the optimistic view you attract positive experiences because that is what you expect to experience. Many people may doubt this, but taking positive action on this new way of seeing the world is the only real evidence you will need to see that it works, thus being highly effective.

By having an optimistic view you really don’t worry about how things get done, it already is seen as done, and works from that place. When you work from a place of what you seek to accomplish as already being completed, you will see that any worthwhile achievement really starts from within you not from without. This means that your vision of where you want to be is already a reality inside of you and the action steps emerge naturally because of this.

Many people try too hard to externalize their goals. They feel that they have to go out and grab something that will bring meaning to their lives. Having external goals is important, but not the end all be all. The truth is that there is nothing outside of you that you really need to feel fulfilled. The mind just likes to make up things that matter. When in reality the only things that matter are what you believe to matter.

Being fulfilled starts and ends with what’s inside of you. This is what I began to recognize with the optimistic view. The optimistic view doesn’t see lack, because ones soul is already filled with abundance. When you come from abundance you attract this. This may be hard for people to understand, but this is how it has worked, and continues to work for me.

“Happiness is not a matter of events, it depends upon the tides of the mind.”
-Alice Meynell

I start from optimism and I end with optimism. This is something I don’t have to go out and reach for, it’s already inside me. The optimistic view is like putting on a new set of lenses, being on top of a mountain and allowing positive experiences to unfold for you.


Put Your Creativity Into Action

1 May

Photo Courtesy: http://drewmclellan.typepad.com

Hello all.
Putting your creative work out is always a challenge. Especially when you are just starting out. A lot of the pressure comes from not knowing what the audience will think. This leads to a fear of criticism.
Have you ever tried something that you thought was really creative and people laughed and looked down on you for doing it? Or maybe you just had what you believed to be a truly creative idea and ambitious goal and people said “how can you do that?” or “You can’t do that!”
While constructive criticism is essential to any worthwhile success, when you let what people say negatively effect your action towards your goal, it can turn into a problem.

“In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”
-Tony Robbins

I use my personal blogs as an example a lot. I started out these blogs with no real concrete direction in mind. I just started out as a hobby, something to “kill time.” really knew was that I was going to use my personal life experiences as I was building my business and share ideas that have worked for me along the way. The first six months I received consistent 0 views on my blog. So I mean 17,000+ views later I think that’s not so bad.

“Do It Now Method”
The point here is this. If you have something creative to share, use the method that I use.
The method is called the “Do It Now” Method.
I say to myself, “Do it Now” every time I have a creative idea, and I write it down on a notebook, so I won’t forget it. Or I immediately start working on it at that moment.

This gets my creative juices moving into action immediately, so that there is not enough time to second guess my idea. You can use this method whenever you have a creative idea, and witness the great results of this simple yet highly effective method. I believe that we limit our creativity when we over think what we should do. Those hunches, or intuitive ideas that come to each one of us comes for a reason, and it is up to you to either hold on to it or share it with others.

If you begin using the “Do it Now Method” you will begin to see that great results take place, because you are putting immediate action on your hunches. It is also important to remember it’s perfectly fine if what you decide to work on doesn’t come out like you expected the first time. This takes practice, the more you develop this method the better the results over time.
The critics will be out there both positive and negative, but continue to create and deliver anyway.
Put your creativity into action.


An Amazing Post

8 Apr

Photo Courtesy: http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/

Hello all.
One of my goals today was to write an amazing post. So here it is. This is an amazing post because I say so. These words that ooze out of here and to your face is pure amazing. Look I’m at 15,000+ hits. That’s amazing. These blogs are amazing.

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.”
-Bob Moawad

When you get in tune with your true purpose in life, you will notice that whatever you say it is, it really is. The problem that most people encounter in life is that they aren’t doing what brings them joy in life. If you aren’t doing what brings you joy, you can’t claim to speak that something is amazing, when deep down you know it’s not that amazing. Writing brings me joy.

Providing value brings me joy. Therefore since it brings me joy, I can claim that this is an amazing post, because I feel it to be so. The great thing about doing what brings you joy is that only YOU should really care if what you are doing is amazing or not. I don’t have to worry about some boss behind me saying that this stuff is not amazing material. I position myself wherein I don’t have someone directly telling me how to do what I do.

The main point of this post is that you can literally speak things into existence if you are doing what brings you joy. When you are doing what brings you joy, you can claim these things because you are operating from a place that is real and authentic.