26 Nov





Stop Worrying about The “Doing” and Just “BE”

23 Nov

Hello all.

Just “BE”cause…

Many people continually ask me “what I do.” Questions arise such as, “How do you live a life of abundance, how do you do what you do and make a living?” They are so focused on what “I do,” that they are forgeting the lesson.

It’s not what I do. It’ s who I am. This is a concept many people are struggling with. I don’t “do” anything. I just be. When I just be me, the actions flow out of me naturally.

When you begin to understand this within yourself, you will understand why I just have to be myself when I type on here and everything else just takes care of itself. This state of allowing good to flow into my life, is a result of not much logical thinking, it’s a result of just being what I know.


Just relax and be you. I think the confusion comes in for many people with this subject because of the conflict they experience in expectations. This expectation of themselves comes from society’s expectation and or a perceived higher “authority” figures expectation. I urge people to not conform to what society or an “authority” wants from them. I only urge this route if in fact, that what society and what your perceived “authority” demands from you, is NOT in alignment with who you really are. Simply want what you want for you simply because it feels good for you. This feeling alone acts as an energy that will get you outside of the box of trying to “do” and into “being.”

I intend to serve as an example of how to be, not what necessarily what to do.


Embrace Uncertainty

23 Nov

Hello all.

It’s time to embrace uncertainty. There are many people that I understand are at crossroads in their life. I feel that many of you reading this may be at a place where you are choosing between hanging onto old fear based realites or letting that all of it go and embracing uncertainty.

I urge you to look at uncertainty as a good thing. The ability to embrace uncertainty and know that you are still being guided, brings more confidence and assurance to move forward.

When you choose to embrace uncertainty it may be very scary at first. Knowing how everything will turn out is something you may have gotten quite comfortable with and accustomed to. However, getting too comfortable may also mean there is no room for growth. Growth is about finding out more about who you are. As you begin to grow, you will see yourself faced with choices. Some of these choices, may require you to take a path that isn’t always gauranteed, but may be the best way for you to grow.

But how do you know if it is right for you? Listen to your intuition. Your intuition will always guide you to your higher path.

Embracing uncertainty allows you to develop this intuition. Hanging onto old outdated belief systems that no longer serve you, may not always be the right choice for you, even if that feels more comfortable.

Instead take the risk. The risk of being who you really are. This freedom is real, and it’s within you and always has been. Trust more in your ability to be at peace with not knowing what is going to happen next. This opens opportunities for you, that you never thought existed. Embracing uncertainty allows you to be more responsible for you. In this new found wisdom you will find your truth.

It takes a lot of courage to find your true path, but the journey is well worth it. Embracing uncertainty helps you develop this courage.



When You Want Something, First Give That Something Away

20 Nov

Hello all.

The real secret to getting something you need, is by first giving it away. If you are missing love in your life, give love away for free, if you have very little money, give whatever you have away. If you want more happiness, make it your aim first to bring happiness to someone else. If you want peace, send others peace. The list goes on. This goes to the simple universal laws of creation. As you sow so shall you reap. You can’t have more of something unless you are ready to give it away first. By giving it away first, you prove to the universe that you really have it, therefore receiving more of what you want.


My 2nd Blogtalkradio Interview-Speaking About My Book Beyond Success-Baker Style

19 Nov

Hello all.

I had the really amazing privilege  for  being on Escape the Matrix Radio Show for a second time. This time I go into some details from my personal development book entitled Beyond Success-Baker Style.  I hope you guys enjoy this interview.

Below is the link to the 2nd Interview I did on Escape the Matrix Radio Show:




Enjoy !!!


How Your Life is REALLY Measured

18 Nov

Hello all.

Our lives are measured not by what we do, but who we are. What you do on a daily basis is a by product of who you already are. If you don’t like what you are doing everyday, you always have the freewill and choice to change that.  Who you are comes way before what you do, because who you are is your essence and is where your truth lives.

You can do a lot of work, and do all sorts of things, but these things don’t really define who you are.  It was once stated that we are all human “beings” not human “doings.”


It is my firm belief that when people go back to their essence of who they really are, the doing is just second nature, and they can begin to measure their lives by their inner being, not necessarily by what they “do” for a living.




Baker's Simple Recipe for Making an Awesome Project

16 Nov


Hello all.

I thought it would be really fun and exciting to share with you my simple recipe for making an Awesome Project. Below is the Baker’s Simple recipe for making an awesome project.

1. One full scoop of excitement mixed into your project.

2. A dash of optimism gradually mixed into the project.

3. 2 full scoops of persistence and commitment

4. Half a scoop of your original creativity

5. Put in oven and enjoy!!!

6. Served best with Gratitude during entire process and Celebration after completion!!!


Baker’s Simple Recipe for Making an Awesome Project

16 Nov


Hello all.

I thought it would be really fun and exciting to share with you my simple recipe for making an Awesome Project. Below is the Baker’s Simple recipe for making an awesome project.

1. One full scoop of excitement mixed into your project.

2. A dash of optimism gradually mixed into the project.

3. 2 full scoops of persistence and commitment

4. Half a scoop of your original creativity

5. Put in oven and enjoy!!!

6. Served best with Gratitude during entire process and Celebration after completion!!!


The Most Important Thing To Consider In Your Personal Development

13 Nov


Hello all.

The most important thing to consider in your personal development is that it is YOUR personal development. It doesn’t belong to anyone else, so that’s why I believe that the more you understand your timing and the way you get in your flow, the more you can appreciate your own personal development. So regardless of where you think you are in your own personal development,  know that it’s okay to be there as long as you know you are growing at your pace. Keep in mind what others think about where  you are in your personal development does not matter in this example. Only you would really know where you are in your personal development. If you get stuck with the feeling of not growing, that’s what leads to a lot of confusion about life.

We Are All In different stages in life.

We are all in different stages, I won’t even begin to assume to guess where you are on your particular path. But I know that personal develoment takes time. Some people are developing at this very moment and may not even know it. That’s why I urge people to keep record of all the growing up they did, so you can be grateful for the joy of learning new things for the future. I will post a video soon about the joy of learning on Youtube.

Don’t Compare

Comparing your personal growth with others is a total waste of time. Where you are today is a result of all the choices you made to lead you up to this point in life. It can be daunting or exciting depending on the consious or unconscious choices you have made in the past. But remember regardless if you are doing really well, or things are a bit of a challenge for you at the moment, don’t compare yourself to others. The ego loves to compare and do all these mind tricks, and ends up loosing in the end, because we are all one unified consiousness. Yes we all have different life experiences, but we are all connected at a deeper level in humanity. Accept where you are in your personal development, and use your knowledge to grow and expand into realities you intend to experience for yourself.

YOUR Personal Development

So remember it is your Personal development which means it doesn’t matter where you think you are along the path, or what others think, as long as you recognize life lessons when they appear, and grow from each one in a manner that is right for you. Being Patient and honoring your own personal development growth is essential to a worthwhile life.


The Amazing & Spectacular Life!!!

12 Nov


Hello all.

The Amazing

The life you are living at this moment is amazing. It is amazing because the way in which you decide to go about your life is exactly what you should be doing. Where you are at and what you are thinking is exactly what you should be thinking. This is why life is amazing. It’s amazing because you are still breathing, you still have food to eat. Amazing is inside you and you know it. When you woke up this morning you were ready for an amazing day regardless if you knew it or not. The best part of this amazing life is the reality that you don’t need any specific or particular reason for it to be amazing. It becomes amazing the moment you see it that way.

The Spectacular

The life you are living at this moment is spectacular. You don’t need any validation, or someone to ask if you are living the spectacular life. You don’t need someone else’s opinion on what is spectacular for you. There is no real logical reason why your life at this moment is spectacular. If you are alive, healthy and able to read this your life is spectacular. You are living in such a spectacular time in history. Honor it, respect it, and be spectacular from within. Plain and simple. You don’t need a reason for your life to be spectacular, you just need to accept that there are spectacular things in your nature that allow it to be so. And so it is.


Creative Individuals: Exciting Times Ahead!!!

10 Nov


Hello all.

This post being read is coming from a place of excitement, joy, and wholeness. Creative people, we are living in very exciting times because the inner child is making a huge comeback! The inner child that knows how to have fun and be in the present moment is here kicking its feet and raising its hands up with joy. The flow is here to stay and the new energy that is emerging on this planet is rising and it is rising quickly! The inner child is like your inner knowing that if you just let go, be you, and have fun that the universe attracts beautiful spectacular events into your life because you are being a match to it’s energy.

Celebration From Within

This new consciousness is celebrating from within. I’m not talking about a “party spot” in particular. (Although you can do this if your spirit is feeling it!) No, I’m speaking about a place of celebrating your true self, the joyous, happy, abundant YOU from within your spirit! Your real inner child can now step out as the energy on this planet and the flow is truly supporting it. This energy is abundant, playful, joyful, and available for you once you begin now to celebrate the inner joy of being you. Tapping into this celebration of your life, begins with the focus of being grateful and embracing all the good that is already inside you!

YES for the Creative Individuals!

The most exciting thing about this time is that creative indviduals, when they come from this place of play, joy, and wholness, they will enter a space of so much good and abundance, that it will be dizzying at first at the sight of how amazing things even began to manifest. Creative individuals this your time to express that inner child that is deep within you. This inner child blossoms the moment you tap into a spectacular array of inspiration, synchronistic events, and joy. Stay in this amazing space, it is real it is true, and it will support you if you simply just believe in it!

Blessings to your inner child!!!

What Baker Learned From Attending Gary Vaynerchuck's Live Speech:Baker's Cliff Notes

9 Nov


Baker and Gary V. Give You The Thumbs Up To Cash In On Your Passion!

Photo By: @JanicePlado


Hello all.

What I learned from attending Gary Vaynerchuck’s Speech while he was on his book tour, a live event at Changing Hands Indie Bookstore in Tempe Arizona.

-Social Media=New Business

-Choose Your Platform- Blogging, video, audio? Use the platform you feel most comfortable in.

-Hustle-Work your passion over and over, if you love it you won’t mind how long you spend on it.

-Create Great Content- Conent is king in social media, so know your stuff!

-Legacy is greater than currency-Everything you do in social media is available to the world, ask yourself will I mind if my grandkids see this?


What Baker Learned From Attending Gary Vaynerchuck’s Live Speech:Baker’s Cliff Notes

9 Nov


Baker and Gary V. Give You The Thumbs Up To Cash In On Your Passion!

Photo By: @JanicePlado


Hello all.

What I learned from attending Gary Vaynerchuck’s Speech while he was on his book tour, a live event at Changing Hands Indie Bookstore in Tempe Arizona.

-Social Media=New Business

-Choose Your Platform- Blogging, video, audio? Use the platform you feel most comfortable in.

-Hustle-Work your passion over and over, if you love it you won’t mind how long you spend on it.

-Create Great Content- Conent is king in social media, so know your stuff!

-Legacy is greater than currency-Everything you do in social media is available to the world, ask yourself will I mind if my grandkids see this?


Your Choice-The Importance of Your Value System

9 Nov


Hello all.

You are constantly being presented with many choices in your life. Which is the best one ? You tell me. Only you really know which is the best choice. In this blog I give the power back to the indiviudal. I belive in freewill, and that your choices create your reality. Before we get into choice making, let’s first talk about values, because I believe that your values determine the choices you eventually make.

“You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.” -Deepak Chopra

The choices you make are a result of your values. Choices are easier to make when you are clear on your values and your set of standards. How do you develop your own values? Well, a lot of it is what you were taught early on as a child. Things generally carry more perceived value to you when were conditioned in a certain way early on. With that said values can actually change over time as you grow and learn more about yourself.

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” -Roy Disney

DSC000501 a.m on a Saturday Morning working on the Baker Jump Shot


My Personal Example on Values

An example would be for me personally I used to really value the game of basketball. It was something I loved to do, and enjoyed playing. There was a point in my life that I would think of actually very little else, than playing the game of basketball. So the way I made choices were based around this sport. I remember there would be occasions when I would choose to miss a high school party in my teenage years, to actually practice on my jump shot all night. I valued getting better at the sport so much, that I would make choices focused on this sport. As I grew older there were other things I began to value more. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t like the sport. It just means other things needed more of my attention as time passed by. There were other things that began to excite me at the moment. Things like personal development, business, expressing my creativity, and making a positve impact on the world began to be more valuable to me. So now I structure my choices accordingly, based on the values I have in the present.

What Do You Value?

Begin now to get clear on what your values are at this moment in your life. We all have different values. For example, Some people value money more than anything else, some value family, relationships, friendships etc. I’m not here to judge you on what you value. I’m here to let you know that the things, people, and experiences you value the most is what really guides you in your decision making. So the next time you find yourself having to make a hard decision between one thing or another, think about what you value at the moment. What is important for you? When you get clear on your values, you are clear on the choices you decide to make. Remember, at the end of the day it is always your choice.

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. -Tony Robbins


Abundance Mindset V.S Scarcity Mindset-Why The Universe Rewards People Who Are Detached

9 Nov


Hello all.

You probably heard about the abundance and scarcity mindset before. The abundance mindset is a way of living that comes across as confident, detached, and joyful. It is confident that money, resources, and people will come in it’s own perfect time. The abundance mindset believes that there is always going to be more than enough. The scarcity mindset is a way of living that comes across as worried, attatched, and sad. The scarcity mindset always believes there is never going to be enough. It is constantly worried that money, resources, and people will not come.

The universe rewards Detachment

The universe rewards detatchment because after an intention is set, and you let go of this desire, the universe sees that you are confident and assured it will come. It seems counter intuitive by what we were taught in this society. The idea of setting a goal and never loosing sight of this goal (attaching) until completion does work. However, that way is only one way of reaching a desire. You see by being easy and relaxed about something coming is sending signals to the universe that you are in a dominant vibration. As you sink into a lower vibration of neediness and being clingy the universe gives you more neediness and scarcity, because this is a weaker vibration.


On A date

Let’s say that you are on a date with someone. You have probably been in the position when you are on a date, and felt that the person that is most interested in the other person and feels the need to attach, is the one that doesn’t get what he or she wants at the end of the day. The person that displays a sense of neediness generally in most cases, leaves feeling unfulfilled. The reason is because neediness is unattractive. There is a feeling of scarcity and lack when someone is in desperate need of something. The person on the date that is having a good time, relaxed, and detached actually is in control over the situation, because he or she is confident that everything works out fine in the end anyway. The same way is with abundance. The person trying desperately to need more abundance gets a lack of it, and the person that is relaxed and easy about it generally gets more abundance.


On Money

The individuals who care most about having money, generally get it, but aren’t fulfilled because of the way they attatched to the money. The person that sets the intention of having an abundance of money, lets it go and just has fun, is sending out a more dominate vibration out to the universe, and generally attracts more money to him or her. Like I said this may sound counter intuitive because of the way you were socially conditioned early on. However, understanding the importance of detatchment in getting what you desire is actually the best way to attract things to you.


You are a Magnet

Think of yourself as a magnet. You are constantly attracting to yourself that which you are. So if you are a happy joyful abundant person you attract these circumstances and people towards you. The problem is that people have a hard time seeing themselves as a magnet because they are stuck in the scarcity mindset. With the scarcity mindset you aren’t a magnet. As you become aware and grateful for the abundance that is already present in your life, you tune in easier to this abundance. The reason is because abundance is already within you. It’s not something “out there.” If you begin to live in this manner, you will have a lot more fun being yourself and allowing abundance to flow to you simply by just tunning into the abundance within you, by being grateful for what you already have.
