Tag Archives: u.s economy

The Truth About The Current U.S Economy & People You Need to Google.

14 Dec


Hello all.
As most of you probably are very aware of, the U.S economy is going through some very rough times. There are many questions that arise out of these uncertain financial times. I intend that by introducing to you some of these individuals, that you get a clearer understanding of the current U.S economy. Below is a list of people that I highly recommend you read up on, and watch. The following people are similar in their views on the current and future outlook of the U.S economy.

Here are a few people that I believe speak the truth about the Current U.S Economy and also the future of the U.S economy.

Google their name along with: “current economy”
1. Gerald Celente
2. Robert Kiyosaki
3. Peter D. Schiff
4. Ron Paul
5. Jim Rogers

On Youtube




Robert Kiyosaki Was Correct in his Prediction of U.S Economy.

19 Sep

Photo Courtesy Richdad.com

In 2002 a book written by Robert Kiyosaki entitled, Prophecy: Why the Biggest Sock Market Crash In History Is Still Comming… and How You can Prepare Yourself and Profit from it!

This book was written by Robert Kiyosaki author of the best seller Rich Dad Poor Dad. He talks about in this book (written in 2002), about the economic events that are happening now in 2008. I read this book in 2004 and was not sure if I believed all of it, but I kept the ideas back in my mind. From that point on I have been diligently studying economic trends, with a strong concentration in real estate cycles. The main point of the book is that in 2002 he saw the stock market crashing, like it is doing today (2008), and he provides reason for this market crash and he also discusses what practical things people need to start doing to prepare for this collapse in the economy.

In 2002 he made the following predictions in
his book that you might consider:

1. Millions will be left destitute in old age.

2. Medical care will get even more expensive.

3. Terrorism will increase.

4. Japan, currently the world’s second largest economy, is on the brink of financial collapse and depression.

5. China will become the world’s largest economy.

6. The world population will continue to age.

With that said, this blogs intention was to reiterate some of the previous blogs I’ve been posting about the split between the Rich and Poor in America, and the U.S economic collapse. I have a quote from Robert Kiyosaki’s from this book Prophecy , in his own words:

“One thing is for certain, he gap between the haves and have-nots in America and the world will definitely widen. Those who move with these global changes will become richer than ever before.”
-Robert Kiyosaki

Prophecy (2002).

I’m ready for this are you?
