Baker Interviews Erik Therwanger, Author of Think GREAT: 5 Steps to a Greater Life.

13 Oct

erik think great

Baker: Hello Erik. It’s great to have you on this blog! I decided to feature you on my blog, because I had read about your story and the challenges that you had overcome in your life. Please tell the readers about your personal story that you and your wife had to undergo a few years back?

Erik: Hi Baker. It’s a pleasure to be featured on your blog! In 1999, Gina was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. It was very aggressive and she started chemotherapy immediately. We had been married for 10 months – she was 27. Her diagnosis, battle, and decision to think differently became the foundation of my book, Think GREAT.

Baker: What would you say was the most challenging part of the process?

Erik: The most challenging part for us was actually the amount of hardships that hit us at the same time. In addition to Gina’s year-long cancer treatments and two-year recovery, I had been laid off from my job, I switched to a new career, tried to be a great dad to my two sons (from a previous marriage), and my father passed away. Everything happened within a 5-year period.

Baker: Many skeptics out there still doubt the power of our minds and the amazing results we can get by just changing our thoughts. What do you say to the skeptics out there reading this right now that don’t believe in the power of the mind, especially the power of the mind during major life challenges?

Erik: When you start to lose everything, you find that your mindset may be all you have! The mind is the most powerful tool we possess. People, who doubt that, usually do not understand how to harness it properly! Just before Gina received her first cycle of chemo, her oncologist told me to “keep her spirits high.” Even with years of medical training and experience, he understood the power of the mind!

Baker: How did the book “Think Great” come about?

Erik: Over the years, we had many people tell us that they were inspired by our story, especially due to the fact that Gina was told that she would never have children due to her treatments: chemotherapy, radiation, and a stem-cell transplant. 6 years after going into remission we found out that she was pregnant – today our daughter is 3. During this time period we continued to focus on accomplishing life-changing goals!

Baker: How did you come up and formulate the “5 steps to a Greater Life” ?

Erik: I based my program on 2 distinct disciplines: the duties of a U.S. Marine and the duties of a caregiver. I studied people who had achieved greatness in their lives and found 5 very common components that I could apply to my desire for a greater life: Goals, Reasons, Expectations, Actions, and Tracking. Each of these steps are detailed in my book and website:

Baker: What is the main message that you intend to pass on with your audience in your workshops?

Erik: My message is that anyone can achieve a greater life by accomplishing life-changing goals, no matter what circumstances they face!

Baker: What are some of future goals you have, that people could look forward to joining you in on?

Erik: I am writing a series of Think GREAT books. Each book will be focused on helping people to accomplish specific life-changing goals: losing weight, earning more money, increasing sales, improving leadership skills, etc.
I am also a Legislative Ambassador for the American Cancer Society and participate extensively in the Relay for Life with Gina. Together, our goal is to help eliminate cancer and give people hope!

Baker: Well Erik, I’d like to personally thank you for taking the time out to do this interview, and I hope many more people continue to be touched and inspired by your wonderful story!

Erick: Baker, thanks for allowing me to share my story. I appreciate everything you do!

For more information on Erik Therwanger and his book visit:

5 Responses to “Baker Interviews Erik Therwanger, Author of Think GREAT: 5 Steps to a Greater Life.”

  1. Ursula Kruse-Vaucienne October 14, 2009 at 2:03 am #

    Great interview. Happy that both of you are spreading the good news that this can be a better world. You both have the tools available for us all to make it happen. I am using the Think Great tools to my benefit and recommend them to anyone who is ready to conquer their doubts and ready to grow and thrive!

  2. Kimbundance October 14, 2009 at 6:05 am #

    This is awesome, great inspirations here! Keep up the good work Baker


  3. beyondsuccess October 14, 2009 at 5:04 pm #

    Hey Thanks for the feedback guys! @Ursula I’m glad to see that the tools used daily are working well for you producing real results in your life.

  4. Kelly October 15, 2009 at 6:24 pm #

    What an inspirational story! I also like the goals that Erik and Gina are working towards accomplishing. Thanks for the great interview 🙂

  5. beyondsuccess October 16, 2009 at 6:15 pm #

    Your very welcome Kelly! I am glad that you enjoyed the interview!

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