Tag Archives: sense of self

Working on Baker The Brand Video- And Loosing My Sense of Self.

15 Nov


Old Man in Sorrow (On the Threshold of Eternity) is
emblematic of Vincent van Gogh’s suffering in his
final months in Auvers-sur-Oise.
Photo Courtesy: howstuffworks.com
Vincent Van Gogh

Hello all.
For the past couple weeks I’ve been focused on making a video briefly introducing Baker The Brand. In my sincere attempt to make an introduction video to Baker The Brand, I can honestly say that I lost my sense of self. This space that I speak about is both highly challenging and peaceful at the very same time.

One minute I feel like I totally understand where my convictions stand, and the next I realize I don’t know anything. The process made me realize that we never really know who we are, we may think we know and have a string of moments where things seem very certain, but what I’ve learned is that uncertainty is where our sense of being resides. Being willing to accept uncertainty is when we begin to awake.

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”
-Vincent Van Gogh

*Baker The Brand Video Will be posted soon.
