The Color Purple: and the book I’m working on.

20 Sep

Photo Courtesy Kimbudnace

Hello All.

Ever since I was a child I was fascinated with the color purple. The color purple resonated with me so well. At the age of 4 and not needing to know why this color purple resonated with me was the best part. As adults we begin to analyze everything, looking deeply into things like this. I am guilty of it to this day. I still very much resonate with this color, and trying to analyze with my mind why I like it. Now so more than ever I feel as though the color purple will be apart of this movement and or revolution that I speak with conviction.

This will be part of my book entitled: Beyond Success: How to BE, DO, and HAVE What You Want During These Current Times. There will be a section in this book that will speak about the economic collapse that starts a spirtual revolutionThis book will be the beginning of a spiritual revolution. I say this with conviction because I know where the U.S is headed economically and where the collective consciousness is headed. How do I know this? I read tons of books. I also allow my intuition to guide me through this entire process. I simply intend that what I will be writing on my book will be in perfect alignment with the God Source within. In other words, just like in my blogs, I allow my higher mind to do the typing. I’ll keep you guys posted on the development and formation of this book.



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